We discovered far too late that what we thought was congestive heart failure turned out to be multiple myeloma and a relatively rare condition called amyloidosis. She passed away from heart complications caused by the amyloidosis on December 12, 2013.
Pam was a wonderful person. Extremely well-read. Caring. Dedicated mom and gifted teacher. Our daughters thought of her as a "helicopter mom" - rescuing the girls whenever they needed help. (She commuted to Des Moines for about the first 8 months of our grandson's life, helping to care for him while our daughter worked on getting her master's degree from Iowa State.)
Her students knew her as "the teacher who always smiled." She was also very bright and knew how to challenge the smartest of her students and how to help those who were struggling. Parents loved her and often requested that she be their child's teacher. She loved almost all of her students and loved giving and receiving hugs from her second graders and former second graders.
Life for me has not been the same since losing my best friend, my advisor and spiritual guide, and an irrepressible presence in my home and my life. She was the person who got me interested in doing dollhouse miniatures, and was always supportive of my involvement in this pastime.
I am so very sorry for loss.
So sorry for your loss. I know it can be incredibly difficult. Know that spirit healing thoughts are being sent your way.
You have written a beautiful tribute to your lovely wife. It has given me a real insight to who she was. I am sure she is greatly missed by everyone who knew her.
Please accept my heartfelt sympathies for your loss.
Siento la pérdida de tu esposa. Animo! no dejes de hacer tus trabajos en miniatura que son espectaculares. Un abrazo y fuerza. Arantza.
This is a beautiful tribute. I really felt so much love in your post. I am so sorry you've lost her.....
So sorry for your loss George.
Thank you all for your kind words. I'm doing my best to continue on. Some days are just harder than others.
I am so sorry for your loss George, Pam sounds like a wonderful person and it must be so hard without her. I hope you find each day will get easier and the sadness is lifting, as I am sure Pam would want you to be happy again.
No matter how much time we get to share with our loved ones, it's never quite enough, and it will always be difficult to lose someone (especially a rare gem like Pam).
George, I am so sorry for your loss.
What a terrible time for you, George. Such heart-ache and pain to begin to recover from. My heart feels your pain and I wish you all of God's comfort.
I am so very sorry for your lost. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
I am so very sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
So very sorry to hear of your loss George. It is hard but eventually you come to terms with your new life. I know that such a wonderful woman as you describe will always live on in your heart and in those who loved her. Judith
I'm so sorry to hear of the sad and tragic loss of your wife.
You have written a truly wonderful tribute to her and I'm sure she's surely missed by all those who knew and loved her.
My thoughts are with you and your entire family.
As others have said, what you wrote about your wife is beautiful, loving and inspiring. I'm so sorry for your loss. Don't apologize for being away from your blog for awhile. None needed. We all have to take a break sometimes when "real life" becomes so absorbing. I'm glad you shared your story with us. I have always been met with nothing but kindness and support when I share personal struggles on my blog.
As others have said, what you wrote about your wife is beautiful, loving and inspiring. I'm so sorry for your loss. Don't apologize for being away from your blog for awhile. None needed. We all have to take a break sometimes when "real life" becomes so absorbing. I'm glad you shared your story with us. I have always been met with nothing but kindness and support when I share personal struggles on my blog.
Very sorry to hear about your tragic loss.
My deepest sympathy,
Sincerest sympathy George, such a great loss for you and your family to bear. Pam was clearly a very special person.
I am so sorry for your loss. you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Big hug,
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