My miniatures won two blue ribbons at the Iowa State Fair last month. Below are the two room boxes that were honored.

This roombox was created in an apple crate, which is totally appropriate, since it was the representation of my father-in-law's fruit and vegetable fruit-house business. My younger daughter came up with the idea for this project and enlisted my help in creating the box. She was in high school at the time, and her grampa was going to turn 80. She thought this would be a nice present for him, and indeed it was! Alicia made all of the crates and the fruit. I built the hand cart, the comptometer (on the desk) and the typewriter (which you can't see - it's on a typing stand behind the desk). The office on the right side of the scene was a virtual depiction of grampa's office, down to the lists magnetically attached to the side of the filing cabinet and the pictures on the wall. The silver door on the left is a replica of one of the banana rooms. The red tag on the door indicated that the bananas had been gassed with ethylene glycol gas to get them to ripen faster. Once grampa hung up the sign on the door, no one was to enter until the bananas had ripened a little more.

This room should look familiar to those of you who have followed this blog for some time. I finally finished it! Below is another angle on the room. I was hoping this would win the best of show or people's choice award, but it won neither, unfortunately! Oh, well. I was delighted to earn a blue ribbon for it anyway! The sign on the cash register says,
"Haircuts $1.25
Shaves $1.00
Tall Tales Free - Satisfaction Guaranteed"